medsave clinic

Dr. Sheereen Jaulim

CEO of Medsave Clinic

Dr. Sheereen Jaulim

Proud Mauritian Born residing in the United States for the past eighteen plus years Education: Medical Doctor, MD from St. George’s University School of Medicine, with clinical trainings in the United States of America, United Kingdon and Mauritius.
Founder and Owner of Medsave Clinic Urgent Care and Addiction Treatment center since 2006, which became certified in 2019 by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OHMAS).

  • I believe that constant change is the pathway forward. I motivate my team through goal-setting and overcoming challenges.
  • I lead a team of astounding medical, Behavioral and Mental health professionals using years of medical training and experience in the field as the foundation of care, fulfilling the high demand for addiction awareness outreach in the community.
  • Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes every member of Our team and the community to reach our goal to provide support, to assist patients in gaining access to medical treatment, to help them and guide them to regain their normal lives back, to help manage the fear, anxiety and confusion that accompany the stigma of addiction.

From Dedication to Success: Inspiring Teams for Excellence at Medsave Clinic

I am committed to provide guidance and inspiration to build a team who shows compassion, dedication and constantly improve performance. Our mission at Medsave clinic is committed to providing the latest in evidence-based care in the most individualized manner possible.

Our outstanding team members at Medsave clinic strive to help those suffering from addiction to achieve an improved quality of their lives. We believe in treating each client’s underlying core problems to help them spiritually, mentally, and physically. We strive to instill the tools needed to achieve and sustain long tern recovery. I believe by partnering and supporting other organizations with the same mission, we will succeed in achieving our goals.
I am proud to have been appointed as the Honorary Consul of Mauritius in Ohio since 2017 I am also a proud Mother of two children, Nour and Kaiser. ‘My definition of success, in my humble opinion, is the joy and satisfaction that comes from the dedication of our time to causes that we feel impassionate about.”