Our Mission at Medsave Clinic is committed to providing the latest in evidence-based care in the most individualized manner possible. We strive to offer a comprehensive, medically monitored chemical dependency treatment services for patients who have substance use disorders. Our goal for every client at Medsave Addiction treatment Center is to provide support, to assist patients in gaining access to medical treatment, to help them and guide them to regain their normal lives back, to help manage the fear and anxiety and confusion that accompany the stigma of Addiction.
Our Outstanding team members at Medsave Clinic strive to help those suffering from addiction achieve an improved quality of their lives through an individualized, supportive, and compassionate care.
Our Intensive Outpatient program team members believe in treating each client’s underlying core problems to help them heal spiritually, mentally, and physically. We strive to instill the tools needed to achieve and sustain long-term recovery. My team at Medsave Addiction treatment Center intends to achieve its goals by partnering and supporting other organizations with the same mission.
Our vision is to provide quality treatment with a team of experienced staff who strive to offer assistance in solving the national epidemic of addiction. Our goal is to restore purpose and confidence in each of our clients, giving them hope for a successful future and a real plan to carry it out with honor and dignity. For sustained recovery and sobriety, we believe in strong case management which focuses on personal goal, and relationship development where family dynamics are repaired, futures are rebuilt, and a sustainable recovering lifestyle is achieved. we are rooted in the belief that every patient can reach and sustain a lifelong sober and recovering life through individualized attention and a solid post-treatment plan of action.
We strive to maintain our compassionate drive even as we continue to expand our clinical outreach. Our team members enjoy an outstanding workplace environment that encourages them to grow both professionally and personally. By virtue of our success, we will advance the science of treatment and improve the quality of life for every patient who walks through our doors.